Dealing With Anxiety And Stress

I had the day off today. Not really. I work a regular job, do freelance on the side to build my own business, plus try to take care of the home front. On top of that I am applying for a PhD program and preparing to teach in the summer for under privileged kids. While that is going on, I am constantly managing my own anxiety and ruminating mind. Yeah. A “Day Off.”

We all know this life. And sometimes it is not necessarily an anxiety created BY something. Just a constant fear or worry over a future that has not occurred yet. Or maybe we are about to embark on something new. Sometimes we just suffer from the old habit of worry wort that can be hard to break. Either way- what do we do?

1. Take a minute…or 5…or 30: Sometimes we just need to stop. Worry and anxiety can get so intense that we need to take a break. For some taking a break may cause anxiety as we think “but we won’t get this or that done.” But you have to ask yourself if your work is really being effectively carried out if your brain and emotions are on hyperdrive. Chances are it’s not. BREATHE. Get into nature. Take a hot bath. Just STOP and take a minute to DO YOU.

2. Manage it: Take a Yoga Class (will also help with the breathing), get some chamomile tea, go work out, start planning your day with some short 5 minute breaks in between.

3. Find balance: There is balance to all things. Work and play; self inventory and self care; rest and exercise. Whatever you do make sure that you bring balance to your life.

4. Understand side effects: Stress can actually contribute to weight gain, sleeplessness (or fatigue), high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, mood disorders and a lot more. Keep those things in mind and then ask yourself if whatever you are stressed about is worth your health.

5. Find an outlet: Journal, get therapy, engage in physical activity, listen to some music, take a boxing class: just find a way to begin to let go of those things that are creating so much tension in your life.

6. Gain perspective: I remember one time in a therapy session he asked me to look at the rug and pick out a thread. Once I did he said “is there anything special about that thread?” I racked my brain and finally he said “Your worry in finding something special about that one thread or giving the ‘wrong’ answer stopped you from seeing the whole rug.” It was a beautiful oriental rug that we often miss when we stop looking at the big picture.

7. Get help: What if you need real medical attention for your situation? So many times getting help for our mental wellness is looked down upon, but that is like demeaning someone for getting chemo for cancer. If you feel that you need greater help- SEEK IT.

8. Gain support: Get a friend or support group. You would be surprised at how much this can relieve you– just talking to others who can share your concerns and also potentially give you resources and ways to walk through it.

9. Delegate: Share your tasks or responsibilities as much as possible. You do not have to do everything.

10. Give yourself some credit: A lot of stress and anxiety comes from us beating ourselves up or not having confidence that we can take on the tasks at hand. Take a moment to recall the great things that you have done in the past, even if it has just been to survive through difficult situations (which is NO easy task!). Then pat yourself on the back and move toward your brilliant future!

Try these things out and see how they work for you. Know that you are not alone in the process and at the end of the day– no matter what you face– that you are (in the words of the late great Maya Angelou) “ A PHENOMENAL WOMAN!”

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