Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning

Take a look at the following infographic showing the stastics and information to prevent childhood lead poisoning. This data comes from CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Follow the simple prevention guide below to make sure your kids grow up healthy and in a safe environment. If you’re going through a home renovation, please make sure you hire a contractor certified by the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. For parents with kids 3 years or less, know that the only way kids communicate with the environment is through their mouth. That’s why they bring everything to their mouth, taste it, and explore on the experience. This is just their way of communicating with the world. Nothing wrong with that. The problem comes when the toys your kids are playing with are layered on dust either from a home renovation you just went through or from not keeping a clean house. As work mounts on our schedules, and our careers demand more time everyday, we forget about keeping a clean and healthy home. Putting at risk the health of our kids, and everyone in the house, including your pets. In order to avoid any lead poisoning in your home, make sure you clean it on a weekly basis, and make sure you pass a microfiber on the walls to remove any settled dust attached to the walls. As well as your ceilings, windows, doors, and every area in your home. It’s not enough to just have a clean floor, your furniture might be loaded with visible and invisible dust. Invisible dust is found behind the furniture. So, make sure you ask your cleaning company to move the night tables, bed frames, and desks, so they can clean the back of the furniture. For everyone going through a home renovation, make sure you have your kitchen items, glasses, plates, spoons, forks, knives, bowls, and every utensil in your kitchen thoroughly washed before you start using it.

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